A new survey by DW Fitness Clubs showed that takeout food rapidly becoming a weekday fixture, rather than the once-in-a-while indulgence they used to be. Asking 2,000 UK residents which day were they most likely to eat a takeaway, the results highlighted that for many of us, any day goes.
While unsurprisingly the weekend came out on top, almost 1 in 10 are also reaching for the takeaway menu on a Monday, perhaps to perk themselves up after a long day back at work. The same amount of us also like to start the weekend early, switching off the oven and ordering on a Thursday.
With just under 2% of us claiming not to have a takeaway on a weekly basis, the results also highlighted that one gender is a little more partial to takeout than the other.
Across the board, men were more likely to order a takeaway on any given day with, for example, 10% of men likely to enjoy a takeaway on a Monday, compared to just 6% of women.
More convenient than they have ever been, platforms such as Just Eat and Hungry House ensure tempting takeout can be on the way in minutes and on any day of the week. Unfortunately, this level of ease could be contributing to our ever- expanding waistlines, with the detrimental health effects of takeout well-documented. Loaded with high levels of fat, salt and sugar, it’s clear there is a price to pay for convenience.
Speaking on the effects of too many takeout meals, the research was discussed by Personal Trainer and Nutritionist, Carly Tierney of DW Fitness Clubs. “Fast food and takeout are often rumoured to cause a variety of health problems. Ingredients that are artificial, high in sugar or fat are not meant to be eaten on a regular basis.
“Fast food and takeout are often rumoured to cause a variety of health problems. Ingredients that are artificial, high in sugar or fat are not meant to be eaten on a regular basis.
“Being aware of these effects is essential to determining whether fast food is safe to include in your diet, particularly if you suffer from heart or digestive issues already.
“We’re only human, and it can often seem like the easier option to have a takeaway at the end of a long hard day, but I advise my clients to focus on meal prep to avoid temptation. It’s worth putting the time in to have a healthy dinner ready and waiting for you at home. Double up on what you’re making and you’ll have enough left over for the next night, or even freeze extra portions to take out and defrost in the morning when you know you’ve got a busy day ahead.”
As the cliché goes, a little of what you fancy does you good. But chances are that the nutritional benefits of your favorite takeout are few and far between.